
Health Action AIDS Advisor Eric Goosby, MD, Nominated US Global AIDS Coordinator

IMG_2872On Monday President Obama announced his intent to nominate?Eric Goosby, MD, CEO and Chief Medical Officer of Pangaea Global AIDS Foundation as the US?Global AIDS Coordinator. Dr Eric Goosby has been involved with the Health Action AIDS Campaign at PHR since its inception in 2002. PHR has benefited greatly from Dr. Goosby’s wise counsel and active engagement in our efforts to mobilize health professionals in support of evidence-based global AIDS initiatives rooted in sound human rights principles.As the global economic crisis threatens the US commitment to HIV/AIDS treatment and prevention initiatives, Dr. Goosby will need adequate funding to be able to fulfill the administrations' promise to fight global AIDS. He will have to act quickly to build support within the Obama Administration and Congress to fund the US President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) at the levels authorized by Congress.As Dr. Goosby moves into his new role, we are eager to partner with him to address key?issues related to the successful scale-up of HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment programs, including health systems strengthening, the ever-growing impact of HIV/AIDS on women and the implementation of effective harm reduction strategies that reflect best public health practice. We also urge him to work with his colleagues at the Department of Health and Human Services to lift the nation’s regressive and unsound HIV travel ban so that our policy reflects the US’ leadership in other areas of the global HIV/AIDS response.Last month, PHR delivered over 3,000 petition signatures to President Obama and Congress calling on them to "Stop AIDS Now!" and fully fund PEPFAR. ?You can still sign the petition and continue to show the broad public support for the fight against Global AIDS.

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