
Alaei Day Opens with Editorials in New York Times, Boston Globe and LA Times

The Global Day of Action for the Doctors Alaei has launched with a coast to coast media blitz. The New York Times, Boston Globe and LA Times all called for the release of the Alaeis in Editorials today. The New York Times pointed out the treacherous working condition for professionals in Iran and called the Alaeis' trial unfair and their sentences "horrifying". The Boston Globe wrote:

"If Iran's leaders want to convey a message of conciliation and justice, they should have (Arash and Kamiar Alaei) exonerated."

Media coverage of the case is world-wide. BBC Persia has interviewed PHR's Washington Director John Bradshaw, and the case is being covered by Italian Press, Radio Free Europe and more.Want to help draw attention the Alaeis? Surf the blogs and make comments on articles mentioning the Alaeis, and/or write letters to the editor at national and international news agencies about the Alaeis, urging their release.Roxana Saberi's release yesterday has shifted attention to the Alaeis just as they are about to exhaust their legal options. Iran tied her release to the concept of Islamic kindness: it's time for Iran to extend that kindness to the Alaeis, so they can continue their critical fight against AIDS in Iran.Join the virtual vigil at 11-1:00 today to hear from and chat with people around the world, and stand in solidarity with the Alaeis.

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